Health Benefits of Kombucha

Instead of just saying it’s a healthy product, let us take you a step further in having a conversation about why kombucha is healthy?

Below are some of the many benefits Kombucha provides.

  • Immune System Booster
  • Weight Loss
  • Improves Gut Health
  • Detoxifies
  • Eases joint Pain
  • Energy Booster
  • Fights Cancer
  • Improves Mental Health

Kombucha is rich in 9 organic acids that are rarely available in natural form together in one product

  • Vitamin C – A Fantastic detoxifier and immunity booster
  • Acetic Acid - Kills harmful bacteria and gives Kombucha its signature sweet/sour punch.
  • Lactic Acid - Helps prevent constipation, protects the walls of the bowels against decay, believed to aid in the prevention of cancer by regulating acid level
  • Gluconic Acid - Effective against many yeast infections.
  • Malic acid - spurs detoxification.
  • Usnic acid contains selective antibiotic qualities.
  • Carbonic acid regulates blood Acid levels.
  • Folic Acid may help heart disease, aging, Cancer, Crohn’s, Alzheimer’s        and Osteoporosis.

That is not all, once we start exploring the vitamins and minerals aspect of it there are more benefits:

  • Kombucha is rich in 5 B Vitamins
  • Thiamin (B1) stimulates the immune system, may aid in prevention of skin, joint and bone aging, cancer and stroke
  • Riboflavin (B2) suppresses allergies.
  • Niacin (B3) promotes healing skin tissue and is a natural aphrodisiac.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) helps battle obesity, rheumatism and stroke.
  • Cobalamin (B12) improves memory and learning.